Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Mint-Chip Master Studies

Julie Devine, Nude After Uglow, 2011
This fall, I'm taking several classes at Gage Academy of Art, one of which is Foundation Figure Painting  with  Anne Petty.
For homework last week, we were asked to make quick, broad temperature studies of two master paintings; one by Euan Uglow, the other by John Dubrow.

For my palette, I chose Burnt Sienna, Prussian Blue, and Lead White, a color combination that has me thinking about mint-chip ice cream.

For these 14" x 11" studies, I used a size 12 hog bristle flat brush.

There is a loose, chunky, expressive quality to these quick studies that I'd like to bring into my larger work.

Julie Devine, Figure After Dubrow, 2011

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Julie Devine, Creatures, 2011
Oil on canvas, 22" x 24"