Saturday, October 30, 2010

Ranuccio Farnase Study


Julie Devine, Ranuccio Farnase after Titian, detail, 2010

Julie Devine, Ranuccio Farnase after Titian, 2010

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Max's Dragons

I love the dragons drawn by my son, Max, and his friends. They draw dragons in notebooks when they have extra time in class, and on whiteboards at their after-school program. Last year, when I'd pick up Max at the end of the day, I'd find him huddled with several other boys, drawing mazes and dragons on adjacent whiteboards on the gym floor. Sometimes they'd create games with weapons, paths, and heros. Battles. Total absorption in their creative world. I'd sit and watch them. Compliment them. Ask them questions. Here are a couple of my favorites...

Max Devine, Dragon I, 2010
Max Devine, Dragon II,  2010